Prayer Breakfast

Join Us 5-1-25
At The TPC
Twin Cities
The 2025 Blaine Prayer Breakfast will take place on May 1st, 2025 at the TPC Twin Cities from 7am - 9am.
The TPC is located at 11444 Tournament Players Pkwy Blaine, MN 55449.
If you want to donate send a check. Please send it to: Blaine Prayer Breakfast 1385 107th NE Blaine, MN 55434
Our Speaker: Aminta Geisler
I'm known as the crazy Jesus lady!
That's what they call me and I love it. I also love my family, coffee and the Bible. God's Word has radically changed my life and I am passionate about sharing the Good News with others.
My ministry is Reckless Abandon Ministries (R.A.M.). Our mission is to equip belivers to run the race of faith well. That means we are here to do the faith journey with you!
We offer blog posts, podcast, free resources, bible studies, breakfast clubs, and merchandise...all crafted to help you to walk forward in faith.
I'm also a leader of our local breakfast clubs, which seeks to bring Jesus into our local High-Schools.

With Music From:
Heart of The City
Heart of the City, since 1996, has been bringing a message, model, and experience of multi-ethnic worship and Biblical unity to thousands of people through the live performances and many recordings of the multi-ethnic, multi-denominational, and multi-generational Heart of the City Worship Band.

BE inspired